Senin, 26 September 2011

Rainbow (Report Text)

Rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenal that produces the spectrum of light in the sky when the sun shines when it rains. Sequence, the color is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Rainbow produced when light refracts through water droplets in the air. That's why the rainbow is always seen after rain. It's curved in the air as water droplets spherical. But usually the bottom of the rainbow "protected" by the earth. Rainbow phenomenal can also be seen with the back of the sun and spray water on a sunny day

Formation process:

Rainbow occurs due to refraction of sunlight by the drops. When the sunshine pass through water droplets, such as when it was refracted through a prism of glass. So in the droplets of water, we've got a different color from one side to the other water droplets. Some of the colored light is then reflected from the far side on the droplets of water, again and again out of the water droplets